Wine and Beer Pairings


For pairing cheddar with wine and beer, it will depend on the age of the cheddar.
The importance of pairing is to achieve a balance of flavor. The cheese should not
overpower the drink and the drink should not bury the flavor of the cheese.

Cheddars that are aged between 12 months and 2 years pair well with brown ales, lagers and IPAs. 

Brown ales and lagers have a sweet, malty, full-body taste on the palate that pairs well with the nutty and creamy aged cheeses.

Our Classic, Aged and Traditional will pair wonderfully with brown ales; lagers and traditional British pale ales as they tend to be sweeter and fuller bodied beers that will bring out the smooth creaminess of these cheddars. Vintage and Peaks are a perfect pair with IPAs and pale ales as these will match the sharpness of these cheddars but not detract for the boldness of the sharper, richer taste of the more mature cheddars.

With wine, the best pairing for sharp cheddars would be a Pinot Noir.

With its light and dry flavor, it is a wonderful combination with the sharp and nutty flavor of these cheeses. Cabernet Sauvignon is another fine wine that pairs well with its dark fruits and herbs, it helps to draw out the bold cheddar flavors of the extra sharp cheddars. The longer a cheddar is aged, the bolder and more intense the savory flavors of the cheddar become. Cheddars 4 years and over are best suited with a Shiraz wine, as it has an equally intense flavor but also enough dryness to it to accentuate the exquisite taste of the finely aged cheddar. Shiraz would be our pairing suggestion for the Peaks cheddar.

With wine, the best pairing for sharp cheddars would be a Pinot Noir.

With its light and dry flavor, it is a wonderful combination with the sharp and nutty flavor of these cheeses. Cabernet Sauvignon is another fine wine that pairs well with its dark fruits and herbs, it helps to draw out the bold cheddar flavors of the extra sharp cheddars. The longer a cheddar is aged, the bolder and more intense the savory flavors of the cheddar become. Cheddars 4 years and over are best suited with a Shiraz wine, as it has an equally intense flavor but also enough dryness to it to accentuate the exquisite taste of the finely aged cheddar. Shiraz would be our pairing suggestion
for the Peaks cheddar.

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